MARE conference 2021

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Revision as of 17:29, 25 January 2021 by DerekDFM (talk | contribs) (Added more information on the MARE roundtable proposal.)


The MARE conference presents an opportunity towards the end of the scoping phase of DFM to take stock of what we have achieved so far. It also gives us a chance to present our preliminary results to the broader maritime studies audience. I (Derek) present below a proposal for DFM’s participation in the MARE conference that tries to allow for participation by project members and presentation of DFM’s themes while also recognizing the limits of how many panel slots we can reasonable ask from the conference organizing committee. The roundtable structure draws substantially on discussions that we have had in our working group meetings.

Rather than a tradition panel/paper format, therefore, I am proposing a ‘roundtable’ structure for DFM’s contribution to the MARE conference. The three roundtables offer an opportunity for students, research teams, and working groups to collectively present DFM’s empirical, methodological, theoretical, and applied findings from our scoping research. DFM has also been invited to join other panels co-organized by Prateep Nayak’s, V2V project, Maarten Bavinck’s Fish4Food project, Ratana Chuenpagdee’s TBTI Global, and WorldFish. Titles of these panels are listed below the roundtable proposal.

We do not need to have a final program for the three roundtables at this stage. If our proposal is accepted we can work on details for some time until the conference program needs to be finalized.

Roundtable proposal: Collaborations in Dried Fish Social Economies in Asia

Roundtable 1: Conceptualizing Dried Fish Social Economies

  • Brief framing overview for the panel set and this panel: Derek (10 mins)
  • Complicating value in DF value chains: Mahfuz, Madhu, Sevil, Sisir, Tara, Ben, Jonah (20 mins)
  • Gendered intersections: Madhu, Mahfuz, Nireka, Kyoko, Holly, Gayathri (20 mins)
  • Framing questions and discussion (40/70 mins)

Roundtable 2: Constructing Dried Fish Social Economies: Methods

  • Performing collaboration: Alexia, Derek, Fabiana, Eric, Prateep, Ratana (15 mins)
  • Tools for collaboration: Eric (15 mins)
  • Methodological innovation for dried fish value chains: Tara, Ben, Nireka, Sami, Sisir (15 mins)
  • Lessons from scoping research implementation: all research team leaders (15 mins)
  • Discussion (30/60 mins)

Roundtable 3: Constructing Dried Fish Social Economies: Findings