DFM Karnataka Ethics protocol supplementary information
This document provides supplementary details concerning dried fish value chain scoping research to be conducted in Karnataka, India.
Azim Premji University
Azim Premji University was established in Karnataka in 2010 through the Azim Premji University Act 2010 of the Government of Karnataka. It is recognized by The University Grants Commission (UGC) under Section 2F.
- The Azim Premji Foundation is the sponsoring body of the University. The University has an explicit social purpose to contribute towards the building of a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. Its mission is to
- Prepare graduates with great competence, integrity and social commitment
- Expand the frontiers of knowledge in education, development and allied fields through research
- Support and enhance the work of the education and development sectors in the country through continuing education
- Contribute to change in policy and practice in the Indian education and development sectors through advocacy and public communication
The University is organized into 5 schools; School of Education, Development, Policy and Governance, Arts and Sciences, Continuing Education and University Resource Center and a University wide research centre. Currently, the University has 1150 students and over 250 members and offers five post graduate and seven undergraduate programs in the sciences and social science domains. The University research centre conducts extensive research in all domains of human development in collaboration with several institutions and over a 100 projects have been completed.
Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi will lead the Karnataka tema. Dr. Jyotishi is Professor at School of Development, Azim Premji University. His research work cover issues relating to natural resources & institutions on one hand and innovation, entrepreneurship in Information Technology business on the other, both from institutional economics perspective. His current portfolio of research interest include fish for food security, informal mining, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Information Technology. Dr. Jyotishi has collaborated in research projects supported by organizations like The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), World Bank, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Oxfam (GB) Trust, Aga Khan Rural Support Program (India), South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Australian Research Council (ARC), Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada.
Planned research activities
Secondary data collection
This study has twofold approach to data collection and analysis. In the first phase the Karnataka team will collate the secondary data relating to dried fish as well as people engaged in post-harvest activities relating to Karnataka. The data will be collected from various sources including, state fisheries statistics, fisheries statistics of India, CMFRI and MPEDA. We will collect information on species composition for dried fish, people engaged processing activities, who produces, who procures, where the fish is sold and at what price, how the value chain operates and where are the final consumers located etc.
Pre-scoping pilot visits and survey of the production, processing, and trading of dried fish
The team will conduct a pre-scoping pilot visits and survey to identify the main production, processing and wholesale dried fish markets in Karnataka State.
Scoping study
The Karnataka research team seeks to capture a comprehensive profile and status of dried fish in Karnataka. Their scoping study will be based on the standard Dried Fish Matters interview guides which were approved by JFREB in the initial ethics application to which this amendment is being requested. The Karnataka team will focus on the processors and first level traders of dried fish as an entry point into understanding the value chain of dried fish. Wherever feasible the team will attempt to move further up in the value chain to understand and establish full value chain linkages. The primary data collection will be largely qualitative and exploratory in nature while we do intend to get some information of type of fish species, prices and quantity apart from interacting with some players in the upper end of the value chain. We intend to focus on the important formal and informal landing sites along the Karnataka coast from Mangalore to Karwar.
Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used to collect data. Semi-structured individual and group interviews with the approved DFM interview guides will be used to conduct the study.
Range of Scoping
The study will be conducted in Karnataka State, India, with a focus on the resources, people, markets, social, economic and other issues that will be covered for the study. The study will focus on the supply and demand drivers of dried fish value chains in Karnataka.
The Karnataka research team is interdisciplinary and multi-institutional. The team members include researchers from the Azim Premji Universty, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, and Indian Council of Agricultural Research - National Academy for Agricultural Research Management (ICAR-NAARM). Dr. Amlendu Jyotishi and Priya Gupta have completed the TCPS 2 course and will train Mr. Ramachandra Bhatta on it. Mr. Ramachandra Bhatta will also sign the oath of confidentiality.
Name | Institution |
Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi | Professor, School of Development, Azim Premji University |
Priya Gupta | Assistant Professor, School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham |
Ramachandra Bhatta | Senior Scientific Consultant, ICAR-National Academy for Agricultural Research Management. |
Potential Risks
There are no known risks associated with the participation of people in this study. To minimize any unknown risks, the research team will ensure free and informed consent with clear communication with the participants and emphasize openness, sensitivity, respect, awareness, and responsiveness. We will communicate to the participants that we will ensure the responses are documented in a confidential and private manner so as not to reveal their identity throughout all stages of the research. As outlined elsewhere in our ethics application, we will ensure this by strictly following confidentiality and anonymity rules throughout the research process, including data collection, analysis and dissemination. For example, any reporting on activities that may likely result in the participants being vulnerable (e.g., illegal activities, child labour practices, or the use in fish processing of pesticides, etc.) will either not be done or will only be done after ensuring high levels of anonymity and confidentiality. Participants will also be reminded of their right to refuse to answer any questions or end the conversation at any time if they feel uncomfortable with the research process.