Blog feed

From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 10:09, 11 April 2022 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Imported from blog feed at

DFM Infographic

University of Ottawa graduate student Colleen Cranmer created this infographic to present the goals and achievements of the SSHRC-funded Dried Fish Matters Partnership, which will be supporting her research in Cambodia. Thanks to Colleen for building awareness of our Partnership and its impacts!

Institutional Context of Marine Fisheries in Gujarat

Tara Nair and Himani Baxi have co-authored a review of the policy environment related to marine fisheries in Gujarat. This report focuses on the broader philosophy that guides Gujarat’s approach to fisheries development, presenting a brief overview of the trajectory of the evolution of fisheries sector policies at the national level with elaboration on the Gujarat case.

Key locations of dried fish processing and trade in Bangladesh

The latest Working Paper from Dried Fish Matters identifies key locations of the dried fish economy in Bangladesh.

Dried fish in West Bengal, India

The first Scoping Report by the DFM West Bengal team explores the role of dried fish in two coastal districts, South 24 Parganas and East Medinipur.

Dried Fish Consumption in Myanmar

DFM and NAG have published results of the first ever dedicated large-scale survey of dried fish consumption habits in Myanmar. This study reveals numerous important insights into role and significance of dried fish consumption in the country, which might be missed or underreported when using less specialized survey instruments.