MEL Karnataka

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Revision as of 09:56, 18 February 2022 by DFM-Cyborg (talk | contribs) (Updated from

Name Description Comments Due
Publication on the weights and measures in the dried fish value chains of Karnataka
  • Completed manuscript for a journal article or book chapter summarizing measurement units and practices used in dried fish value chains in Karnataka
  • Includes photographs and diagrams
2022-01-17: Submitted to the DFM e-book. 2022-01-31
Journal article on the role of fisheries in food security
  • Completed and submitted manuscript for a journal article addressing the role of fisheries in food security in Karnataka
  • Provides attention to the role of dried fish value chains

2022-01-24: Manuscript submitted to Agricultural Economics Research Review


Report on marine fish landings in Karnataka
  • Report of 20-40 pages analyzing fish harvesting data on the Karnataka coast supplied by NETFISH
  • Contains graphs and illustrations

2022-02-17: Sent by Prasanna.

Please find attached a report on fish landings in Karnataka's major harbors. We (the DFM Karnataka team) have prepared this report by analyzing a very unique database on fish harvests in Karnataka coast. The database was provided to us by NETFISH, who have been immensely cooperative in our DFM efforts (such as conducting survey interviews). This exercise will help in further cementing our partnership with NETFISH, which will be beneficial for our upcoming DFM initiatives.

The main purpose of this report is to gain a clear idea about the catch profile of the fisheries of coastal Karnataka. Uniqueness of this data comes from the fact that it is almost a real-time census of fish landings in the major harbors of Karnataka, thus reducing estimation errors while also providing a comprehensive picture of the fisheries. For example, we find that the Indian Oil Sardine fishery has dramatically declined even as the share of trash fish increased. Currently available databases in India do not capture such developments. This allows us to map the fisheries resources which can be helpful, for example, in understanding dried fish supply scenarios across the Karnataka coast and hence an important report in dried fish resource mapping in Karnataka context. It only helps that the dried fish producer surveys under DFM were also conducted around these same harbor areas on which we will be doing our analysis sooner.

We intend to use this report in creating a bilingual booklet (in English and Kannada) for further dissemination into the community by conducting a couple of workshops and giving back to the community who were instrumental in data collection. This will also create an opportunity for us to engage with the stakeholders and policymakers.

Given this relevance for the booklet, I request you to consider it as one of the deliverables for DFM Karnataka team. To make the formal printed booklet we may need a forward from Prof Derek Johnson, for which, Dr. Jyotishi will be reaching out to him separately.


Production and market survey
  • Report on pilot visits and survey of the dried fish production and wholesale markets in Karnataka, India.
  • Around 20 page report on the pilot study with photographic illustrations.
  • The report should summarize preliminary findings and outline changes to the research plan that the pilot visits and survey reveal.
Journal article on fish utilization patterns in India
  • Completed manuscript for a journal article on the topic of fish utilization and consumption patterns in India
  • Describes and analyzes competition between dried fish and fishmeal value chains

MARE conference presentation: Amalendu Jyotishi, “From Dried Fish Processing to Shrimp Culture: Analyzing Utilization Shift of Marine Fish in India” (Conference paper presented at the MARE 2021 People and the Sea Conference, Online, July 1, 2021).

2022-02-17: "Almost ready, pending some changes"

Methodological summary document
  • Compendium of questionnaires and other research instruments used in field research by the DFM Karnataka team
  • Provides a summary of field research and trainings completed
Visual documentation
  • A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in Karnataka State, India.
  • These should have metadata with the place, date, and photographer.
  • Images, where faces are visible, should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
  • Images are released under the terms of a Creative Commons license and uploaded to the DFM online platform
Communication on the Blue Economy and New Populism
  • Presentation, encyclopedia article, or similar communication on Blue Economy and New Populism in India
  • Includes reference to dried fish value chains
2022-02-17: Manuscript available; can't be circulated yet, but may be shared internally. 2022-05-01
Master's thesis research
  • At least two completed Master’s theses on Karnataka social economy of dried fish.
DFM Karnataka Zotero library
  • Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata.
2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the DFM Karnataka Zotero library description page. There are 7 items in the DFM India / Karnataka collection, one of which is blank. 2022-06-30
Scoping report
  • Report of at least 40 pages in length summarizing the existing literature and new knowledge created by the DFM Karnataka team
  • Includes details of the different participants, methods involved in the research activities.
  • Comprehensively maps the macroeconomic geography of dried fish value chain in Karnataka.
  • Details the social and market linkages (actors, roles, relationships, sites of activities, internal and external) that characterize the different segments of the dried fish value chain in the state.
  • Compiles species composition of dried fish at the major landing/ processing sites and markets by organized and artisanal sectors.
  • Indicates the materials and methods used in sorting and drying different fishes across sites.
  • Includes a review of secondary data from various sources including export data from Department of Fisheries, MPEDA, CMFRI, Consumption survey and Nutritional evaluation studies conducted by State Government, among others.
  • Analyzes secondary literature to provide an overview of the types, volume and value of dried fish products, nationally and by province. This will be supplemented by import and export data of key commercial dried fish products. Time series analysis should also be conducted on these data sets to look at patterns and changes that may have taken place in the last 10 years.
  • Reviews policies related to the fisheries sector and make an assessment of their on the conduct and performance of the dried fish economy
  • Includes the annual budget analysis of the state with a view to assess fiscal priorities with respect to fisheries in general and dried fish in particular.
  • Identifies priority areas for further investigation within the scope of the mandate of DFM.
Community knowledge mobilization
  • At least two workshops with community organizations and other stakeholders to disseminate and discuss the findings of the DFM Karnataka team
  • A narrative summary report with photographs provided for each workshop
  • A bilingual pamphlet or brochure is published to disseminate the findings of the DFM Karnataka team and its collaborators
Data sharing
  • Primary data created during the course of the sponsored research, including interview summaries and aggregated survey responses, are supplied with sufficient metadata for storage in the University of Manitoba research repository

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