DFM Karnataka Zotero library
From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 11:24, 6 August 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Terms of reference == * Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata. == Workflow == * 2021-08-06...")
Terms of reference
- Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata.
- 2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the DFM Karnataka Zotero library description page. There are 7 items in the DFM India / Karnataka collection, one of which is blank.
Collection contents
- Balan, V, and Reghu R. “The Indian Oil Sardine.” CMFRI, December 1979.
- Bhatta, Ramachandra. “Tradeoffs between Land Rights and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Coastal Karnataka.” 1, no. 2 (July 1, 2013): 229–43. https://doi.org/10.1177/2321024913513387.
- Bhatta, Ramachandra, and K. Aruna Rao. “Women’s Livelihood in Fisheries in Coastal Karnataka, India.” 10, no. 2 (June 1, 2003): 261–78. https://doi.org/10.1177/097152150301000204.
- Bhatta, Ramchandra. “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans, seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development,” 2019.
- Ghorai, Sudipta Kumar, Santosh Bera, Debanjan Jana, and Somnath Mishra. “Status of the Largest Dry Fish Market of East India: A Study on Egra Regulated Dry Fish Market, Egra, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal.” 2, no. 5 (2014): 54–65.