E-book Recipes
Name | Description | Comments | Due |
Dried fish recipes with coconut milk (Koralagama D N & Hettiarachchi H A N D) | Sri Lanka is a multicultural country with a high diversity of all aspects of living including culinary art. Cooking styles are diverse not only among ethnicities but also from region to region, community to community and person to person. Sri Lanka has its own unique and traditional culinary art using coconut milk and spices. These recipes have been practised since time immemorial. Recipes for dried anchovy and queenfish preparation in spicy coconut milk are shared in this publication. |
2022-01-19: Dilanthi is recovering from illness; will submit the manuscript but needs more time. 2022-01-18: Asked Nireka, who will check with Dilanthi and replay about plans for the Sri Lanka contributions. |
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Dried fish recipes (Dr. Sai Leela Modem) | Dry fish is an integral part of the diet of our family. The recipes have been carried through generations from our ancestors to the present generation.My Grandmother's recipes are unique to our region. The recipes are prepared with various types of dry fish such as anchovy, ribbon fish, seer etc. | -- | |
Let There Be Bounty Every Day (Parag Tandel in collaboration with Sara Ahmed) |
(Recipe: Davla/Sea-purslane and dried Shrimp/prawn curry with Rice / Roti) Parag Tandel, a Mumbai-based artist from the Koli (fisher-folk) community, is the co-founder of the Tandel Fund of Archives which seeks to document the community’s cultural practices, music and the arts through participatory practice embedded in oral traditions. Food is at the heart of this extensive effort. During the strict lockdown from late March to end-May 2020, fresh fish was largely unavailable to the community as all livelihood activities had ceased. So Tandel and his mother opened up their reserve of dried seafood. To preserve and store food, including various fish, is a common custom amongst the Kolis. They believe that dry fish tastes best in the Monsoon only when fishing is restricted, both because the seas are stormy and to allow for fish stock to replenish (sustainability). Every week the artist (and his mother) shared recipes using dry seafood and ingredients found and cooked only in Koli homes. For this publication they will share a rare recipe of dried shrimps cooked with Davla, a local shrub growing in salt marshes. |
2022-01-19: Copied on email chain from Sara. She has asked Parag for more detail (500 words) but it unsure if/when he will get back to her. The video is at https://www.instagram.com/tv/CCLNHeKJ1OK/.
2022-01-18: Replied to Sara's e-mail of 2021-09-14. |
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All about 'Kapi' (Ratana Chuenpagdee, Suphakarn Traesupap, Suvaluck Satumanatpan, Thammasak Yeemin, Kungwan Juntarashote) | Everyone growing up in Thailand would have tasted 'kapi' in one form or another. The most common dish made from kapi, well known to all Thais, is 'nam prik' (a kapi-based dipping sauce). Kapi can be found in any Thai kitchen, in an unassuming plastic jar. Little did we know that each jar had its own story, until we visited the places and met the people who make them. The essay captures what we learned about kapi during the DFM field research in Thailand in 2020-2021. | -- | |
SECTION INTRODUCTION: Food, recipes, taste | -- |