I am currently involved in the International Master of Sciences In Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea). For my Master's thesis that is taking place from the 4th of January to the 30th of June, I decided to assess perceptions of effectiveness of three levels of communication in the DFM project. The three levels of communication include: internal communication within the global project among the partners involved ; external communication to external users ; and communication within partner organizations and the six country project teams. In order to do so, I will be using different methods including a general survey, in depth interviews, and participant observation in formal and informal meetings.
The study has three broad objectives, and will study the communication within the research teams; between research teams and partners; and to external users (academics, government officials and civil society actors). Firstly, the study will identify the communication structure for the three communication levels mentioned, and the effect on research teams, partners, academics, government officials, and civil society actors. Secondly, the study will examine the experiences and responses of research teams, partners, academics, government officials, and civil society actors towards these levels. Finally, possible recommendations will be made based on the experiences and advices of relevant actors i.e. research teams, partners, academics, government officials, and civil society actors.
Fabiana Li and Derek Johnson are both my official supervisors in this study, this is why I will confidentially show my data and findings to my arm’s length supervisors that are NOT involved in the DFM project before sharing it with Derek Johnson, Fabiana Li, Eric Thrift, or anyone else in the DFM project. It will allow to have a verification that sensitive information are sufficiently redacted. Interviewees identities will not be disclosed to anyone, including Derek Johnson, and I hope to conduct a sufficient number of interviews from different Research Teams that it will be difficult to attribute the findings to any one individual or Research Team. Moreover, in the different consent forms is explained that there is no expectation to participate, no penalties for declining to participate, and no special rewards for those who “help” by participating.
I am available for any questions or remarks related to my research.