Proposal for updated deliverables: eight reports of approximately 50 pages each; at least two of these should be prepared as pre-publication working papers (i.e., draft articles that will be go through the review and revision process within DFM, in anticipation of submission to a peer-reviewed journal).
TODO: Consider the potential role of CIFRI.
Literature review
- Report of 30-40 pages with supplementary bibliography.
- Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
- An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item in local language.
- Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available
- Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.
TOR from DFM West Bengal Mapping of major fishing areas and groups
Markets and market segments overview
- Report of approximately 50 pages
- Summarizes the main segments and issues in dried fish value chains in West Bengal
Already submitted: DFM West Bengal scoping report 01
Political ecology and cultural history
- Report of approximately 50 pages
- Interprets dried fish value chains in West Bengal using a political ecology lens
- Draws on historical documents and oral history interviews
- Provides a series of narrative case studies
Theory: SES / sustainability and resilience
- Report of approximately 50 pages
- Applies and extends a theoretical model in interpreting the social economy of dried fish in West Bengal
Consumption survey
- Analyzes the trends and patterns in dried fish consumption across different geographical regions in West Bengal during the postcolonial period.
- Interprets consumer behaviour dynamics concerning dried fish consumption vis-à-vis fresh fish and other substitutes like chicken and beef.
- Identifies some of the critical drivers of and barriers to, if any, the consumption of dried fish.
- Derives insights from the analysis of consumer behaviour for designing effective policies for hygienic and safe production and marketing of dried fish while ensuring livelihood security of the producers and health and food safety of the consumers. Assesses if there is trade-off between quality and price as well as formal and informal structure which can have implications on affordability of dried fish, especially among the poor.
TOR taken from Kerala study. The survey instrument is available here: DFM Kerala 2021 Household consumption survey
Environmental humanities
- Report of approximately 50 pages
- Draws critically on humanities sources such as narrative fiction, poetry, folk songs, visual arts, ethnography, and literary essays to comment on ethics and alternative ways of knowing in social economies of dried fish.
- A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in West Bengal.
- These should have metadata with place, date, and photographer.
- Images where faces are visible should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
- Following consultation with IITK, images may be used for DFM Website, presentations, publications, or promotional materials.
- Photo essay interprets significant images or video clips from the collection.
TOR from VSS, etc.
Synthesis report
- 50 to 70 page report with references, glossary, maps, images, and methodological appendices
- Final summary report of dried fish value chain first phase study for West Bengal synthesizing the methods and major findings from all components of the first phase study.
TOR from DFM West Bengal final scoping report
Data sharing
- Transcripts of interviews conducted using UM funding to DFM internal project database.
- Each interview record should give date, duration, location, and interviewer along with a summary list of key points from the interview.
- IITK commits to storing interview notes or transcripts for the duration of the project and for two years after the project’s conclusion in case project participants wish to request access to greater detail on particular topics from them.
- Identifying information on interview participants to be kept separately from anonymized interview notes and/or transcripts.
- May be provided as records in a shared QDA database format (Atlas.ti, Nvivo)
- Should include both content and thematic codes attached to each record
See DFYWA Data sharing and DFM Bangladesh online database of field records.
Zotero library
- Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
- An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item.
- Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available.
- Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.
TOR from Bangladesh local literature database
- Two peer-reviewed publications (journal articles or book chapters) building on earlier reports / deliverables