DFM Interview guide: fishers

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Revision as of 14:56, 12 April 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs)


How many people are involved in fishing in this community?

What percentage of the total catch goes to dried fish?

What is the relative contribution of different types of crafts and gears to the dried fish market?

What is the source of credit and how much interest is paid?

How much of your catch is used for drying?

What are the species that are used for drying?

If laborers: How many people do you employ? How much are they paid? Are they local people?

If fish is sold to processers for drying where do they come from? Are there any dominant ethnic/ religious/ caste groups in processing?


Why do you choose one processer over the other to sell your catch?

What is the average value of catch you get per month?

What are your input costs? Ice? Labor? nets? fuel?

Where do get the money for the input cost?

Do you specialize in any type of fishing?

What ethnicity /caste are involved in fishing (don’t need to ask this directly)?

What are the credit arrangements with money lenders and traders?

How many people in your village are involved in fishing

Do you target any species to be sold as dried fish?

What is the credit system for dried fish?

What are the formal institutions regulating fishing?

What are the informal institutions regulating fishing?

What is the price you get for selling it to the dried fish processors? Seasonal? Species wise?

Are there any reasons why these fishes are used for drying?

Do you dry these fish or do you send them to the processors?

If you are drying? Who dries them? Laborers? Family members?


Have there been any changes to fish catch in the last 5 years? 10 years?

Have there been any changes with regards to consumer demand and supply of dried fish in the last 5 years? 10 years?

Do you think you are getting a fair price for your product?  (dried fish)

Do you consume dry fish? If so what frequency?

Do you think it is healthy to consume dried fish?

Do you produce dry fish for your own consumption? If so which species do you process and why?

How much of dried fish is part of your diet?

How does dried fish contribute to your household income?

Would you like your children to continue the same profession?

Are there any health hazards related to the capture and processing of fish in particular reference to dried fish?

Have the input costs for dried fish changed during the last couple of years?

How do you think dried fish economy has helpful or harmed the overall well-being of the fishing community?