WOW panel

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REFERENCE: Call for contributions (pdf)

Publicity card for the World Oceans Week Small-Scale Fisheries Open House 2021

Title: What is the “value” in dried fish value chains? Insights from the Dried Fish Matters Partnership

Session Organizer: Dried Fish Matters Project (Project Director: Derek Johnson,; Project Administrator: Eric Thrift,

Format: Pre-recorded presentation (15 minutes) followed by a panel discussion and audience engagement (45 minutes)

Synopsis: For many of the most vulnerable peoples of the South and Southeast Asia region, dried fish is of vital nutritional, economic, social, and cultural importance. Despite this, the diverse and complex economy that produces and distributes dried fish, and the threats to it, are all but invisible in research and policy. The Dried Fish Matters Partnership aims to address this oversight through the work of a transdisciplinary team that brings together more than 50 researchers and collaborators, 14 universities, and 10 governmental and civil society organizations from around the world.

This virtual panel will begin with a pre-recorded presentation of images and commentaries from Dried Fish Matters partners and collaborators, illustrating the diverse forms of value associated with dried fish in South and Southeast Asia. The introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion involving researchers from four countries. Panelists will explore the question: how might we better describe, support, and promote diverse forms of “value” in dried fish value chains?