User:Mahfuzar Rahman

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Mahfuzar Rahman
Full name Mahfuzar Rahman
Institution University of Manitoba
Research Values, rights, wellbeing and the social economy of dried fish in Bangladesh

About me

I am a socio-cultural anthropologist with a background in teaching, research, and child and human rights programs. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Anthropology at the University of Manitoba, following my Master of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Manitoba and a Bachelor of Social Science in Anthropology from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.

About my research

My PhD project, Values, Rights, Wellbeing and the Social Economy of Dried Fish in Bangladesh, aims to understand how values, including disvalues, are produced within the dried fish value chains and their impacts on the products, working conditions, actors’ relations and workers’ rights. In doing so, the study investigates the structure and dynamics of the chains, assessing the social and economic relations shaping production and value, examines the divergence in value assessment, assessing whether the dried fish value chains are inclusive and equitable, and provides policy recommendations for the sustainability and equity in the sector.

Research interests: My research interest encompasses social wellbeing, political economy, child and human rights, social justice, intersectionality, and development studies.

Previous research:

Fisher engagements with transition in a small-scale inland fishery: long-term structural change, fisher agency, and wellbeing in Parbatipur Sub-district, Bangladesh. 2018. The University of Manitoba. Master of Arts. Thesis. Supervisor: Derek Johnson

Climate refugees: climate change and the vulnerabilities of poor peoples. 2010. Jahangirnagar University. Master of Social Science. Thesis. Supervisor: Rasheda Akhtar

The social construction of childhood, context: camp inhabitants ‘bihari’ children. 2008. Jahangirnagar University. Bachelor of Social Science. Dissertation. Superviosr: Rasheda Akhtar


