Recent research outputs

From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 11:55, 10 January 2023 by DFM-Cyborg (talk | contribs) (Updated from Zotero library)

All DFM reports and publications – including newsletters and Working Papers – are currently stored in the Dried Fish Matters Zotero group library. See the Zotero library help page on our wiki for instructions on how to get started.

Items added to the collection *DFM Reports and publications are automatically shared to our project bibliography. Please add your publications and other research outputs there.

  1. [presentation] Jyotishi, Amalendu. 2022. “Fish for Food?+ as Part of "Being Farmer.” Christ University, Bangalore, November 23. Poster IMG-20221022-WA0013.jpg
  2. [webpage] “Dried Fish at the Intersection of Food Science, Economy, and Culture: A Global Survey.” n.d. Accessed November 27, 2022. HTML