
From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 10:19, 24 May 2022 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Updated from iCal file)

To add DFM events to your personal calendar application (e.g., Outlook), import our iCalendar file. To submit a new event, please send the details and/or a calendar invitation to

2022-06-18. Sustainable Gastronomy Day: Launch of the Dried Fish Matters e-book

The DFM e-book will be formally released on 18 June, 2022 to coincide with global observance of Sustainable Gastronomy Day. We invite all members of the DFM Partnership to share further ideas for actions celebrating the roles of dried fish at the intersection of culture and sustainability. In its proclamation of Sustainable Gastronomy Day, the UN General Assembly acknowledges that gastronomy is a cultural expression related to the natural and cultural diversity of the world and affirms its vital contribution to agricultural development, food security, nutrition, sustainable food production and the conservation of biodiversity. Building on our commitment to furthering research into the "social economy" of dried fish in South and Southeast Asia, we intend to celebrate the role of dried fish as one that is deeply "gastronomical" – in the sense of being embedded in cultural life and foodways – but also as vitally linked to sustainable development.

2022-06-22. DFM webinar: Findings and reflections from Karnataka DFM project

This webinar will be presented by the DFM Karnataka team, and will focus on their research process, findings and reflections, including a discussion of future directions. As members of the DFM Partnership may already know, the Karnataka team has studied competition between dried fish and fishmeal value chains, among other aspects of the dried fish economy of Southwestern India, bringing important new perspectives to governance in that region. The team has also modelled research methods that may be of interest to other teams within our project, including a Google Forms based survey instrument and partnership with NETFISH (Network for Fish Quality Management and Sustainable Fishing).