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Revision as of 09:41, 7 April 2022 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Updated from
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This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.

Name Description Comments Due
Journal article on fish utilization patterns in India
  • Completed manuscript for a journal article on the topic of fish utilization and consumption patterns in India
  • Describes and analyzes competition between dried fish and fishmeal value chains

2022-03-16: From Amal.

. We have two additional tasks in hand, 1. the submission of utilization shift paper to a journal, 2. A paper we are writing on Karnataka's blue economy development for a MAST special issue proposed by Amrita and Jenia. By mid April, we would be done with both these tasks.

MARE conference presentation: Amalendu Jyotishi, “From Dried Fish Processing to Shrimp Culture: Analyzing Utilization Shift of Marine Fish in India” (Conference paper presented at the MARE 2021 People and the Sea Conference, Online, July 1, 2021).

2022-02-17: "Almost ready, pending some changes"
