This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.
DFM Thailand policy documents
- Thai government policy documents uploaded to DFM Zotero reference database
DFM Thailand Review of government policies related to dried fish
- Government polices related to dried fish will be reviewed and a report produced on them.
DFM Thailand literature review
- A written report will be produced, with summary tables, figures, and charts. The report will serve as a basis for a journal publication.
- The Department of Fisheries has rich data sets about fisheries and fish products, which will be analyzed to provide an overview of the types, volume, and value of dried fish products, nationally and by province. The review will include inland and freshwater capture fisheries, as well as major aquaculture fisheries that supply raw materials to the dried fish products. This will be supplemented by import and export data of key commercial dried fish products.
- Time series analysis will also be conducted on these data sets to look at patterns and changes that may have taken place in the last 10 years.
- In addition to DoF data, the overview report will also include review of literature.
Check with NOVA. This report can focus on analysis of secondary data, not just publications specifically related to dried fish. It will be useful to have market data, etc., in a distinct report prior to the final Scoping report.
2021-03-12: Few Thai publications discovered by the team. Available literature was used in guiding the scoping research. NOVA is working on this.
DFM Thailand Zotero collection
- Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata
2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the deliverable description page.
2021-03-01: 17 items in DFM Thailand Zotero collection. No local sources have been located for inclusion.
DFM Thailand summary report on dried fish value chain governance
- The report will address the governance structure of dried fish value chain in Thailand.
DFM Thailand publication
- One paper will be published in a peer reviewed journal based on the findings of the dried fish value chain scoping study.
DFM Thailand publication on the rapid appraisal findings
- One paper will be published on the findings of the rapid appraisal of dried fish value chains
DFM Thailand scoping report
- The report will be 30-40 pages long.
- It will identify the stakeholders and their locations, important locations, and diverse value chains in Thailand with key issues affecting the value chains.
- Rapid appraisal report will include:
- Inventory and mapping of all key aspects of the entire dried fish value chain
- An inventory of dried fish products available in main supermarkets and major fresh markets in BMA
- Rough sketches of the dried fish value chains
- Identification of hotspots
2022-01-24: Received from Ratana.
As previously mentioned, the report contains the three contributions that we made to the DFM E-book. We hope you enjoy reading the report and we look forward to receiving your feedback and to the discussion.
2022-02-10: Update from Ratana.
We are working on the report that will include literature review, the results of the initial scoping study, the review of policy and governance, which we owe you. We're working on this in parallel with the contribution to the e-book, and thus will aim to deliver it on January 15 or shortly after that.
Proposal to review the agreement / research plan at that time, potentially reconsidering the role for Nova due to travel restrictions imposed by MUN.
Derek proposes organizing a webinar.
2021-03-12: Most field research completed, other than East coast and two provinces under lockdown near Bangkok. Expected completion in April 2021.
2021-03: Agreed to combine "Report on rapid appraisal of dried fish value chains" into the Scoping report, with reflection on the contribution of “pre-Scoping” exploratory research to the data process. Suggested to provide some figures and tables prior to the final report, to assist comparative study. Specifically: list of fish species, table of imported/exported products, geographic data (for mapping in late 2021).
DFM Thailand addition of data to DFM internal database
- Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database.
- May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.
DFM Thailand stakeholder workshop
- A workshop will be held in the presence of all relevant stakeholders of the dried fish value chain.
- A report will be produced on the findings of the workshop.
DFM Thailand policy brief
- A policy brief will be prepared with recommendations to the government about how to improve the dried fish value chain.
DFM Thailand publication in a peer reviewed journal
- One paper will be published in a peer reviewed journal.
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