SSHRC Midterm report feedback

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These comments were shared by SSHRC in response to our Midterm Report. The contents of the report are included on the wiki page Strategic planning and were presented at the Plenary meeting on 2021-12-09. The feedback is strongly positive overall, while noting the possibility of improvement in several areas: increasing the number of academic publications, updating research activities on the project website, and increasing partner contributions.


Overall, the committee judged that the team has made excellent use of resources during the pandemic and the work is advancing in an effective manner. This is a very clear summary and assessment of progress and the reallocation of resources to provide local teams with more decision-making power is also noteworthy. However, it was also noted that aspects of the project have been delayed due to COVID restrictions, and publications to date have been relatively modest, so the committee would have liked to have seen more about how this will be addressed.

Knowledge mobilization

The committee agreed that the website is visually very well done, and suggested, particularly because other avenues of advancement have not been available as a result of COVID restrictions, working on expanding the functionality of the site. Additionally, the committee found that some parts of the text seem to have been uploaded at project launch and are likely ready for an update; this update could better inform the visitor of how the project has moved beyond the planning stages. It agreed that the YouTube Channel is very effective and noted that it is good to see that the targets for “Reports, briefs, and other forms of grey literature” have been exceeded.

Training and mentoring

The committee appreciated that training goals have been met and that there is additional support for international students; the numbers suggest that the team has responded to the expert panel concerns that training not be solely focused on Canadian students. It also positively noted that the two masters theses and five undergraduate theses listed on the website are clearly focused within the scope of the project.

Project governance and management

The committee agreed that the hiring of a Project Manager is a key step forward that should provide important continuity, and appreciated that the team mentioned the changing levels of engagement of partners and collaborators. Overall, it found that changes indicate the project is agile and able to adapt to shifting circumstances.

Engagement by partner organizations

The committee appreciated seeing that the project is undergoing self-evaluation and that the team is taking advantage of online meeting opportunities.

Partner contributions.

The committee found that the contributions are a bit low (perhaps a reporting error), but explained by pandemic restrictions. This being said, it seems that the project is positioned to meet the goal of 35% contribution.

The committee emphasized that contributions of new partners will be important in bringing in new engagement and support.

Budget allocations

The committee noted that there are currently unspent funds, but they concluded that this is unsurprising and accords with other aspects of the Midterm Report.