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* Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
* Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
| 2021-01-19: 84 items in the [https://www.zotero.org/groups/2183860/dried_fish_matters/collections/JIPX9UHQ Zotero Sri Lanka collection]. Many are publications by Sri Lankan authors in international, English-language journals.
2022-02-11: Plenty of sources, including 30+ added by Steven from the literature review document. Invite to add new resources as "living collection".
2021-01-19: 84 items in the [https://www.zotero.org/groups/2183860/dried_fish_matters/collections/JIPX9UHQ Zotero Sri Lanka collection]. Many are publications by Sri Lankan authors in international, English-language journals.
| 2022-05-06
| 2022-05-06
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* Should provide a detailed presentation of hypotheses, methods, results, and implications/applications of the findings.
* Should provide a detailed presentation of hypotheses, methods, results, and implications/applications of the findings.
2022-01-31: Dilanthi:
<blockquote>Prof Yasodha Hirimuthugoda and Dr Maduka Subodini is working on the nutritional review report (one thesis compiled on this and uploaded to Zotero).
| 2022-08-19
| 2022-08-19
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-- Dilanthi Koralagama ''(PhD. The Netherlands, MSc. VietNam-Norway, BSc. Sri Lanka)'' Senior Lecturer Dept. of Agric. Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka
| 2022-10-05
| 2022-10-05
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* Should include plain-language summaries of research findings (approximately 1000 words) for distribution to participants and the public, in English and local languages.
* Should include plain-language summaries of research findings (approximately 1000 words) for distribution to participants and the public, in English and local languages.
* Should provide copies of any additional knowledge mobilization outputs generated during the scoping research, including conference presentations and media interviews.
* Should provide copies of any additional knowledge mobilization outputs generated during the scoping research, including conference presentations and media interviews.
| 2022-02-11: See Dilanthi's [https://driedfishmatters.org/kb/index.php?title=Topic:Wowxpk80yd72liuc&topic_showPostId=wp4fljbkyd6ktpgt#flow-post-wp4fljbkyd6ktpgt comments on wiki] about follow-up.
| 2022-12-15
| 2022-12-15

Revision as of 15:24, 17 February 2022

Name Description Comments Due
DFM Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study
  • This report should summarize the information provided by the Directors of Fisheries; should include an overview of known information about each of the key sites.

2020-12-20: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-Key-zone-study.pdf

2020-12-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe. Received as PDF; no further editorial work.

DFM Sri Lanka policy study
  • The report should be approximately 20-30 pages, not including technical appendices.
  • Should include the following elements:
    • An overview of existing policies on fish and dried fish
    • An identification of policy gaps
    • An evaluation of the policy formulation process, describing the participation of different stakeholders
    • An assessment of implementation gaps
    • A list of possible policy interventions
    • An assessment of key governance issues such as the role of local government, policies for common-property water bodies, and management structures
    • An assessment of the use of chemicals and the impact of policies concerning their import, sale, and use

2020-11-15: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-policy-analysis_FINAL.pdf

2020-11-05: Copy-edited by Eric Thrift. DFM_RPT_LKA-policy-analysis_FINAL.docx

2020-02-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe.

DFM Sri Lanka Development interventions study
  • Inventory of current development interventions
  • Summary information about development projects related to dried fish should be provided in a list or spreadsheet.

2020-11-15: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-development-interventions_FINAL.pdf

2020-11-12: Copy-edited by Eric. DFM_RPT_LKA-development-interventions_FINAL.docx

2020-02-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe

DFM Sri Lanka literature review
  • The report should be 20-40 pages in length
  • The report should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team
  • The report should draw on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications.
  • The report should identify areas for further investigation.

2021-04-05: Final edits incorporated by Eric Thrift. Source text and images are in the wiki; contents listed at DFM Sri Lanka literature review.

2021-04-04: Final draft submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama

2021-01-16: Copy-edited by Steven Smeltz

2020-11-15: Submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama, with acknowledgements to Nireka Weeratunge and Oscar Amarasinghe

DFM Sri Lanka online library
  • Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.

2022-02-11: Plenty of sources, including 30+ added by Steven from the literature review document. Invite to add new resources as "living collection".

2021-01-19: 84 items in the Zotero Sri Lanka collection. Many are publications by Sri Lankan authors in international, English-language journals.

DFM Sri Lanka fisher and producer focus group reports
  • Should include a compilation of interview transcripts.
  • Should provide a brief methodological overview (location, recruitment procedures, number of participants, etc.).
  • May provide a list of key points or themes, but should not provide detailed analysis.
DFM Sri Lanka nutrition study
  • The report should be approximately 20-30 pages, not including technical appendices.
  • Should provide a detailed presentation of hypotheses, methods, results, and implications/applications of the findings.

2022-01-31: Dilanthi:

Prof Yasodha Hirimuthugoda and Dr Maduka Subodini is working on the nutritional review report (one thesis compiled on this and uploaded to Zotero).

DFM Sri Lanka database of anonymized field data
  • May be provided as records in a shared QDA database format (Atlas.ti; Nvivo)
  • Should include both content and thematic codes attached to each record

anonymized field data

Dear Eric

Herewith I am sending the completed transcripts of our filed work

I will send the FGD reports soon

Best Regards


DFM Sri Lanka wholesale and retail research report
  • Should include a compilation of interview transcripts.
  • Should provide a brief methodological overview (location, recruitment procedures, number of participants, etc.)
  • May provide a list of key points or themes, but should not provide detailed analysis.
DFM Sri Lanka thematic codebook
  • Should provide a list of analytic and thematic codes with brief definitions.
  • May provide memos concerning the context and application for codes by the team.
DFM Sri Lanka scoping report

A 50-60 page scoping report, including (but not limited to) the following elements:

  • Map/s and lists identifying key geographical locations for each value chain segment
  • Lists of species dried (with local and scientific names) and types of product
  • Detailed descriptions of the fisheries from which these originate
  • Detailed descriptions of the methods used to process fish
  • Detailed descriptions of various types of trader and their practices
  • Detailed descriptions of the practices of retailers and the behavior of consumers who purchase from them
  • Estimates of volumes of dried fish products produced and traded
  • Estimates of numbers of actor (disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, etc.) in each segment of the chain
  • Analysis of the socioeconomic context that shapes dried fish production and consumption.
  • Analysis of how numbers of actors/volumes of dried fish/dried fish prices have changed within the past decade.
  • Analysis of drivers of change and perceptions of major threats and opportunities facing the sector.
DFM Sri Lanka Scoping knowledge mobilization
  • Should include plain-language summaries of research findings (approximately 1000 words) for distribution to participants and the public, in English and local languages.
  • Should provide copies of any additional knowledge mobilization outputs generated during the scoping research, including conference presentations and media interviews.
2022-02-11: See Dilanthi's comments on wiki about follow-up. 2022-12-15

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