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*'''Collaborating Investigator:''' Dr. Mostafa Hossain (Bangladesh Agricultural University)
;Collaborating Investigator
*'''Terms of Reference:''' DFM_TOR_BAU_Scoping-TFA_2019-09-23_EXECUTED
:Dr. Mostafa Hossain (Bangladesh Agricultural University)
*'''Dates amended:''' DFM_TOR_BAU_Scoping-TFA-amendment_2020_02_06
;Transfer of Funds Agreement
* 2021-03. MOSTAFA: "We have been working on different components and all the members of the team made the field visits during December-February. Regarding Zotero, we'll add more documents in a few days. We also have other developments regarding to reports to share..."
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!type!!title!!description!! style="min-width:6em" | date!!status!!notes
!type!!title!! style="min-width:6em" | date!!status
|Transfer of funds
|Transfer of funds
|Scoping 1/3
|Scoping 1/3
|Transferred 2019-10-25. REFERENCE I2010002
|Transfer of funds
|Transfer of funds
|Scoping 2/3
|Scoping 2/3
|Transferred 2020-04-27. REFERENCE I2076280
|Transfer of funds
|Transfer of funds
|Scoping 3/3
|Scoping 3/3
|Status meeting
| Last week of March
08:00 CST
|Contribution report
|Local literature database
|[[Bangladesh local literature database|Local literature database]]
*Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
*An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item.
*Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available.
*Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.
|102 items in Zotero database.
Some items need metadata cleaning.
| Policy inventory and gap analysis report
| [[DFM Bangladesh policy inventory and gap analysis report|Policy inventory and gap analysis report]]
|The report should be approximately 20-30 pages, not including technical appendices, and should include the following elements:
*An overview of existing policies on fish and dried fish
*An identification of policy gaps
* An evaluation of the policy formulation process, describing the participation of different stakeholders
*An assessment of implementation gaps
*A list of possible policy interventions
*An assessment of key governance issues such as the role of local government, policies for common-property water bodies, and management structures
*An assessment of the use of chemicals and the impact of policies concerning their import, sale, and use.
|Local literature review report
|[[DFM Bangladesh literature review|Local literature review report]]
*The report should be 20-40 pages in length
*Should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team, drawing on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications
*Should identify areas for further investigation
*May be written up as a paper to be submitted for peer review.
|Received 2020-11.
See [[Bangladesh literature review|comments by Derek.]]
|Key locations report
|[[DFM Bangladesh key locations report|Key locations report]]
| Criteria:
*Field reports from each cluster should highlight main characteristics and unique features of the sites visited
*The compiled report should include a selection of key locations for in-depth research/
|Plan for pilot interventions
|Plan for pilot interventions
*Should build on the policy inventory and gap analysis report
*Should provide concrete proposals for interventions to undertake in the following stage of the project
|Thematic codebook
|Thematic codebook
*Should provide a list of analytic and thematic codes with brief definitions
*May provide memos concerning the context and application for codes by the team
| Online database of field records
| Online database of field records
*May be provided as records in a shared QDA database format (Atlas.ti, Nvivo)
*Should include both content and thematic codes attached to each record
|Report on food security and nutrition
|Report on food security and nutrition
*The report should be approximately 30 pages, not including technical appendices
*Should provide an in-depth anthropological analysis of how cultural and social norms shape dried fish consumption in selected locations, with reference to cultural practices, concepts of nutrition, and social class and status
*Should include indicative nutritional values of different dried fish species popularly consumed (not based on direct lab testing), in comparison with those of other animal proteins
| 2020-06-30
| 2020-06-30
|Maps of dried fish value chains sites
|Maps of dried fish value chains sites
*Should provide locations of segments and indicate flows between them
*GIS data should be provided in a standard format for reuse by other teams
|Scoping report
|Scoping report
|A 50-60 page scoping report, including (but not limited to) the following elements:
*Map/s and lists identifying key geographical locations for each value chain segment
* Lists of species dried (with local and scientific names) and types of product
*Detailed descriptions of the fisheries from which these originate
*Detailed descriptions of the methods used to process fish
*Detailed descriptions of various types of trader and their practices
*Detailed descriptions of the practices of retailers and the behavior of consumers who purchase from them
*Estimates of volumes of dried fish products produced and traded
*Estimates of numbers of actor (disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, etc) in each segment of the chain
*Analysis of the socioeconomic context that shapes dried fish production and consumption
* Analysis of how numbers of actors/volumes of dried fish/dried fish prices have changed within the past decade
* Analysis of drivers of change and perceptions of major threats and opportunities facing the sector
|Online database of dried fish and fish species
|Online database of dried fish and fish species
*Based on field data and photographs
*Includes all significant species for dried fish production in Bangladesh
|Illustrated book on dried fish
|Illustrated book on dried fish
*Based on field data and photographs
[[Category:Scoping status]]
[[Category:Scoping status]]

Revision as of 14:09, 3 August 2021

Collaborating Investigator
Dr. Mostafa Hossain (Bangladesh Agricultural University)
Transfer of Funds Agreement


type title date status
Transfer of funds Scoping 1/3 2019-09-15 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Scoping 2/3 2020-04-05 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Scoping 3/3 2020-10-05 PENDING
Deliverable Local literature database 2020-02-21 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Policy inventory and gap analysis report 2020-03-28
Deliverable Local literature review report 2020-04-16 DRAFT
Deliverable Key locations report 2020-05-06 DRAFT
Deliverable Plan for pilot interventions 2020-06-07
Deliverable Thematic codebook 2020-11-19
Deliverable Online database of field records 2020-11-19
Deliverable Report on food security and nutrition 2020-06-30
Deliverable Maps of dried fish value chains sites 2021-01-15
Deliverable Scoping report 2021-02-12
Deliverable Online database of dried fish and fish species 2020-09-24
Deliverable Illustrated book on dried fish 2020-09-24