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(Added info on Jafrabad field research report.)
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* Contains a review of the budget and policy documents supplemented with key interviews with experts and data collected.
* Contains a review of the budget and policy documents supplemented with key interviews with experts and data collected.
{{!}}With Derek

Revision as of 09:48, 1 March 2021

  • Collaborating Investigator: Dr. Tara Nair (Gujarat Institute of Development Research)
  • TOR: DFM_TOR_GIDR_Scoping-TFA_2019-07-18_EXECUTED
  • Dates amended: DFM_TOR_GIDR_Scoping-TFA-amendment_2020-02-06

Status updates

  • 2021-01-20. TARA: I think we will have something substantial to write about by June. Right now I am at Jaffrabad along with Rudra and Arti, the RA (GIDR) who is attached to the project. We have had a wonderful round of interactions with multiple stakeholders as part of the scoping exercise. February last week may be good for Gujarat review.  We would have completed Veraval-Porbandar by then.  
  • 2021-01-20. Five fieldwork photographs from Tara's email.
  • 2021-02-18. SUBMITTED Rapid Scoping Report Jafrabad -The Dried Fish Capital of Gujarat. TARA: "I have attached a draft note based on the rapid scoping we did at Jafrabad. It was planned more like a pilot to familiarise the team with the language, jargon, and basic mechanisms of the fisheries ecosystem.  It was very useful and our small team is really thrilled. We will make another trip in March for about a week to do a more detailed analysis. I have just compiled the field notes and insights together. There are obvious gaps in information and analysis; we will address them in the next visit.  It would be great if you could go through the note and share your comments. We are planning to do scoping of Veraval most probably between 23rd and 28th Feb."
  • 2021-02-22. Rapid Scoping Report REVIEWED by Derek; report with comments emailed.


type title description date status notes reference
Transfer of funds Scoping 1/3 2019-09-15 Transferred 2019-10-07 I2002787
Transfer of funds Scoping 2/3 2020-04-15 Transferred 2020-04-22 I2075395
Transfer of funds Scoping 3/3 2020-10-15
Deliverable Report on consultative workshop on Dried Fish in Gujarat Criteria:
  • Report of 10 to 20 pages in length
  • Will capture the main proceedings of the workshop
  • The report will also include recommendations on the potential areas of interest for the DFM Gujarat Team.
Deliverable Report on Budget and Policy Analysis of Dried Fish in Gujarat Criteria:
  • Report of 20 to 40 pages on budget and policy analysis
  • Contains a review of the budget and policy documents supplemented with key interviews with experts and data collected.
2020-03-13 With Derek
Deliverable Compilation of budget and policy documents on Zotero online reference database Criteria:
  • Relevant budget and policy documents uploaded to Zotero and tagged with meta data
Deliverable Report on the Review of secondary data and literature review of Dried Fish in Gujarat Criteria:
  • Report of 20-40 pages in length
  • Should review secondary data from various sources including export data from MPEDA, NSSO consumption survey, Nutrition evaluation studies conducted by fisheries research institutions and Agricultural universities
  • Should review policies related to the fisheries sector and make an assessment of their on the conduct and performance of the dried fish economy
  • Should include the annual budget analysis of the state with a view to assess fiscal priorities with respect to fisheries in general and dried fish in particular.
  • Should identify areas for further investigation
  • Should include a review of literature of fisheries in Gujarat.
Deliverable Results of literature review on Zotero online reference database Criteria:
  • Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with meta data
2020-06-12 22 items in Panchasara-Gujarat folder, many from the broader library
Deliverable Report on the rapid survey on dried fish value chains in Gujarat Criteria:
  • Report of 20-40 pages in length
  • Should have details of the different participants, methods involved in the survey.
  • The report comprehensively maps the macroeconomic geography of dried fish value chain in Gujarat.
  • The report will detail the social and market linkages (actors, roles, relationships, sites of activities, internal and external) that characterise the different segments of the dried fish value chain in the state.
  • The report will compile species composition of dried fish at the major landing/ processing sites and markets by organised and artisanal sectors.
  • The report will also have the materials and methods used in sorting and drying different fishes across sites
2020-09-22 Jafrabad rapid scoping research completed; field report submitted 2021-02-18 and reviewed by Derek. Share the research note?
Deliverable Field survey compilation Criteria:
  • Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database.
  • May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.
Deliverable Report on value chain financing of dried fish in Gujarat Report of 40 to 60 pages in length (this could be considered part b for the preceding report, so as to reduce the need for duplication of material from the dried fish value chains survey report. In that case, the report may be shorter). Report should include:
  • the major actors and relationships that exist within the financing arrangements prevalent in the dried fish value chain in the major production/processing centres in the state.
  • the different financial relationships within the value chain and examine the efficiency of each of them from the point of view of its conduct and governance;
  • how financial relationships improve or hinder overall livelihood security of households and enterprises.
Deliverable Financing survey compilation Criteria:
  • Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database. May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.