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[[Category:Scoping status]]

Revision as of 09:54, 23 December 2021

Name Description Comments Due
DFM Myanmar Online library
  • Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
  • An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item.
  • Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available.
  • Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.

2021-05: Steven Smeltz added citations to DFM Myanmar literature review. We have 33 here altogether, which should be gathered into a single collection. Note these are actually international sources, rather than local ones.

2021-08-06: Currently there is only one reference in the Zotero library

DFM Myanmar MPLSC dataset and preliminary analysis
  • Should provide an analysis of the cleaning/processing and basic data from the World Bank's 2015 Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS).
  • Should include copies of the clean dataset(s).
  • Should provide evidence to support academic publications on the contributions of dried fish to nutrition in Myanmar.
2021-08-06: Status unknown. Datasets may already be available with NAG? 2020-03-20
DFM Myanmar literature review
  • The report should be 20-40 pages in length.
  • Should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team, drawing on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications.
  • Should identify areas for further investigation.

2021-05: Created Zotero citations (Steven)

2021-04: Imported brief summary by Ben: Dried fish in Myanmar

DFM Myanmar consumption survey
  • The report should be 20-40 pages in length.
  • Should report the results of a short survey on the type, frequency, and volume of dried fish product consumption, as administered by NAG through its field offices in Myanmar.
  • Should include both a summary of quantitative data and an analysis highlighting significant evidence.

2021-10-15: Status update from Wae Win. Work on the report is continuing; a version will be presented in the e-book as Dried Fish Consumption in Myanmar; Wae Win will upload images. DFM_RPT_MMR-Consumption-survey_2021-10.docx

2021-08-06: TODO - Eric check with Ben about finishing the report, including options for involving Si Thu.

2021-05-21: Images and text imported to wiki by Steven Smeltz. DFM Myanmar consumption survey

2021-03-18: Forwarded by Ben Belton. "I was able to ask an intern to have a first go at editing Sithu’s report on dried fish consumption in Myanmar – it still needs some refining, adding a proper introduction and conclusion, and some contextualization using secondary sources (e.g. need to compare the levels of consumption reported here with those reported elsewhere), but it is a good start." DFM_RPT_MMR-Consumption-survey_2021-03-18.docx

2020-12-11: First draft completed by Si Thu

DFM Myanmar W&R and F&P report I 2020-07-23
DFM Myanmar Nutrition report 2020-08-15
DFM Myanmar Report summarizing fisheries governance and technical interventions 2020-10-18
DFM Myanmar Value chain scoping report 2021-03-31
DFM Myanmar Thematic codebook 2021-03-31
DFM Myanmar Work plan for pilot interventions 2021-05-18
DFM Myanmar F&P and W&R report II 2021-05-31
DFM Myanmar Scoping report 2021-05-31
DFM Myanmar Scoping knowledge mobilization activities 2021-05-31
DFM Myanmar Database of anonymized field data 2021-12-15

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