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== Terms of Reference ==
*The report should be 20-40 pages in length
*Should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team, drawing on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications
*Should identify areas for further investigation
*May be written up as a paper to be submitted for peer review.
== Status ==
== Status ==
== Workflow ==
* 2020-10-31 Final draft submitted. {{FS|DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review_2020-10-31.docx}}
* 2021-04-21 Created links to Zotero, Steven Smeltz. {{FS|DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review-Zotero-links_2021-04-21.docx}}
== Metadata ==
== Metadata ==
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*[[Report: DFM Bangladesh literature review - Dublarchar (Dulabhanga)|Dublarchar (Dulabhanga)]]
*[[Report: DFM Bangladesh literature review - Dublarchar (Dulabhanga)|Dublarchar (Dulabhanga)]]
*[[Report: DFM Bangladesh literature review - Labour exploitation, child abuse, and other forms of violence|Labour exploitation, child abuse, and other forms of violence]]
*[[Report: DFM Bangladesh literature review - Labour exploitation, child abuse, and other forms of violence|Labour exploitation, child abuse, and other forms of violence]]
== Workflow ==
* 2020-10-31 Final draft submitted ({{FS|DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review_2020-10-31.docx}})
* 2021-04-21 Created links to Zotero, Steven Smeltz ({{FS|DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review-Zotero-links_2021-04-21.docx}})
== Tools ==
<span class="plainlinks">[https://driedfishmatters.org/cgi-bin/report.py?page={{urlencode:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|WIKI}} <span class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive" role="button">Generate report</span>]</span>

Latest revision as of 08:27, 8 September 2021

Terms of Reference

  • The report should be 20-40 pages in length
  • Should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team, drawing on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications
  • Should identify areas for further investigation
  • May be written up as a paper to be submitted for peer review.






In this work in progress document, we provide a brief mapping of the available research literature/ resources on dried fish research in Bangladesh. The document is of course not exhaustive and purports to remain a live document and grow in the future! We have identified at least five trends out of various knowledge production attempts on the dried fish economy in Bangladesh. These works (grouped in five different themes) have various policy implications for the dried fish economy in Bangladesh.


DFM Working Papers


Some overarching themes in Dried Fish literature of Bangladesh and some possible ways forward

short title

DFM Bangladesh literature review




DFM Bangladesh team

series editor

Derek Johnson

technical editor

Eric Thrift


CC BY-SA icon.svg

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.


Dried Fish Matters Project Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts 432 Fletcher Argue Building, 15 Chancellor Circle The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2 CANADA



SSHRC CRSH logo.svg

This work draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Cover media


DFM LOGO-square-notext.svg

cover image

Nazirartek fish drying racks.jpeg
