Topic on Talk:Stage two planning
From DFM Wiki
- (cur prev topic) 13:52, 31 January 2022 . . DerekDFM (talk | contribs) commented on "Pilot interventions" (These are both clear and focused possibilities for interventions. Both suggest comparative and place-specific research could provide guid...) . . +347
- (cur prev topic) 22:33, 30 January 2022 . . Dilanthi (talk | contribs) commented on "Pilot interventions" (The DFMSL team would support the idea on “Best practices” that can be shared among teams. Here we would like to bring two points, which w...) . . +1,110
- (cur prev topic) 13:47, 27 January 2022 . . EricThrift (talk | contribs) commented on "Pilot interventions" (As @DerekDFM mentioned, the pilot interventions suggested in our recent meeting may cut across geographies (e.g. the Anganwadi scheme rel...) . . +1,074