Topic on Talk:Stage two planning
From DFM Wiki
- (cur prev topic) 13:56, 27 January 2022 . . EricThrift (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Asynchronous messaging" . . 0
- (cur prev topic) 15:23, 26 January 2022 . . DerekDFM (talk | contribs) commented on "Asynchronous messaging" (Given that we do have this existing in-house communications platform, I think it makes sense to see if we can find ways to support the us...) . . +170
- (cur prev topic) 15:05, 26 January 2022 . . EricThrift (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Asynchronous messaging" . . -27
- (cur prev topic) 15:04, 26 January 2022 . . EricThrift (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Asynchronous messaging" . . +13
- (cur prev topic) 15:03, 26 January 2022 . . EricThrift (talk | contribs) commented on "Asynchronous messaging" (Slack was suggested by Ben at the January 25 meeting. I've heard very good things about Slack, though it seems to be the sort of applicat...) . . +990